Posts tagged weakness
Asking Jesus To Reignite Your Faith

Five and a half years ago, I landed in Israel for a 10-day trip full of mission and work and touring the Holy Land. I was super excited about those ten days, but I was also tired…and not just because I had been on an airplane for 14 hours. I was emotionally tired. I was mentally tired. And I was spiritually tired. I felt drained. And I was in desperate need for my cup to be refilled.

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A Case Of The Mondays

My opinion on Mondays changes from week to week. Some weeks, I really like Mondays. They’re a fresh start to a new week. They’re a chance to get organized and plan for all the tasks and events the next seven days hold. They’re a good excuse to have a second iced coffee without any self-judgment. Those kinds of Mondays are great. But sometimes, Mondays aren’t so great. Sometimes they’re overwhelming. Sometimes they come with mile long to-do lists, piled-up laundry, an empty fridge, and a jam-packed calendar staring you in the face, making you wonder how you’re going to have time to get everything taken care of.

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A Case Of The Mondays

My opinion on Mondays changes from week to week. Some weeks, I really like Mondays. They’re a fresh start to a new week. They’re a chance to get organized and plan for all the tasks and events the next seven days hold. They’re a good excuse to have a second iced coffee without any self-judgment. Those kinds of Mondays are great. But sometimes, Mondays aren’t so great. Sometimes they’re overwhelming. Sometimes they come with mile long to-do lists, piled-up laundry, an empty fridge, and a jam-packed calendar staring you in the face, making you wonder how you’re going to have time to get everything taken care of.

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