Posts tagged doubt
Asking Jesus To Reignite Your Faith

Five and a half years ago, I landed in Israel for a 10-day trip full of mission and work and touring the Holy Land. I was super excited about those ten days, but I was also tired…and not just because I had been on an airplane for 14 hours. I was emotionally tired. I was mentally tired. And I was spiritually tired. I felt drained. And I was in desperate need for my cup to be refilled.

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God Wastes Nothing

I’ve been thinking a lot about my single years lately. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you. Those were some of the hardest years of my life. Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of really great things about being single. And I have so many amazing, unforgettable memories from that season of my life. But there were also plenty of nights when I cried myself to sleep.

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10 Verses For When It Feels Like God Is On His Lunch Break

A while back, I was talking with one of my friends about prayer, and she said something that really struck a chord. She said, “Kristen, I just feel like my prayers aren’t getting anywhere. It’s like I’m trying to talk to God, but it feels like He’s on His lunch break and He’s not hearing me.”

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Second-Guessing God

John 6 is a pretty popular chapter in John’s gospel because it talks about the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and His miracle of walking on water on the Sea of Galilee. It’s a pretty jam-packed chapter. And while I have heard the stories of these miracles several times in my life, something new stuck out to me as I was reading this chapter the other day.

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If You Only Knew

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in our own hopes, dreams, and desires, and become convinced that we know exactly what will satisfy our hearts. But my friend Elaine reminded me that our desires for ourselves and God’s desires for us aren’t always the exact same thing. She told me, “Kristen, you’re going to be so grateful that God did not give you your lesser desires, even though you would have sworn those were the things that would do the trick."

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