Posts tagged anger
Listening To God When You're Angry

Today’s key verse is one I’ve heard more times than I can count throughout my life time. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” I’ve heard these words in sermons and podcasts. I’ve read them in Bible studies and devotionals and Instagram posts. It’s a very popular verse. But typically, when this verse has come up in my journey of following Jesus, it’s always been applied to the way we treat other people.

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Listening To God When You're Angry

Today’s key verse is one I’ve heard more times than I can count throughout my life time. “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry.” I’ve heard these words in sermons and podcasts. I’ve read them in Bible studies and devotionals and Instagram posts. It’s a very popular verse. But typically, when this verse has come up in my journey of following Jesus, it’s always been applied to the way we treat other people.

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