Posts tagged emotions
What If I’m Happy And Sad About Being Single?

There were so many things I grew to love about being single. (Notice I said “grew to love” because I started out not loving much of anything about being single.) But as time went on, I really enjoyed many of the aspects of being single. I genuinely loved my life and was thoroughly enjoying it. But on the other hand, there was this ever-present, deeply-rooted desire to be married. As much as I loved my single life, as much as I was enjoying all of the opportunities and blessings that came with that season, I never stopped wanting marriage.

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Don't Skip The Grieving

When tough times hit, it’s common to hear people say things like, “Just pull up your bootstraps and keep going,” or “Just let it go…you’re going to be fine.” And while I do think there is a time and a place for statements like that, I don’t think it’s wise to skip over the mourning and grieving stages of heartbreak. Suppressing your emotions for the sake of saying “I’m fine” isn’t healthy or helpful.

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Replacing Feelings With Truth

Just this simple switch in the way we view truth versus our feelings can make the biggest difference as we draw near to the Lord in our brokenness. So if you're hurting today, if you're heartbroken, devastated, or disappointed, the best way for you to find healing is to draw near to the Lord. Embrace the peace that He promises to give that surpasses all understanding. Cling to the promises in His Word. Don't forget that your Heavenly Father is with you every step of the way, and remember that He is a compassionate, gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

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