Posts tagged truth
Don't Be Afraid To Be Honest With God

A few years ago, I was sitting in a seminary class where the professor was talking about the importance of having an honest relationship with God. He said, “God is big enough to handle your emotions. He’s big enough to handle your honesty. Let Him be who He longs to be in your life, and don’t be afraid to communicate with Him honestly about how you feel.”

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Remember Where Your Value Comes From

A few years back, just a couple of months before my birthday, my grandfather (or Pawpaw as I call him) surprised me by telling me he was going to build me a dining table as a birthday present. I was beyond excited at the news. For quite some time I had wanted to own something my Pawpaw built. He was quite the carpenter and had built several pieces for my mom in the house I grew up in. But I wanted something for myself that I could take with me to all of my future homes now that I was an adult.

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How To Speak The Truth In Kindness

In today’s Christian culture, there seem to be two extremes when it comes to speaking the truth in love to other people. On one side, you have people who deliver the truth in a harsh, judgmental way, lacking compassion and empathy. And on the other side, you have people who are kindly affirming actions and behaviors that don’t line up with truth because they don’t want to hurt others’ feelings.

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Do You Know God Intellectually Or Do You Know God Personally?

From the time that I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to learn. When I was two years old, my dad would spend hours with me, teaching my numbers, letters, colors, and all the football teams in the SEC (priorities right?). Growing in knowledge is something I enjoy doing and try to do as much as I can. And while having a lot of knowledge is considered impressive and admirable in our culture, I’m learning that knowledge should be viewed differently when it comes to our walk with Christ.

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Do You Know God Intellectually Or Do You Know God Personally?

From the time that I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to learn. When I was two years old, my dad would spend hours with me, teaching my numbers, letters, colors, and all the football teams in the SEC (priorities right?). Growing in knowledge is something I enjoy doing and try to do as much as I can. And while having a lot of knowledge is considered impressive and admirable in our culture, I’m learning that knowledge should be viewed differently when it comes to our walk with Christ.

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