Posts tagged words
The Power Of Your Words

The next time you go to say something to someone, take a second to think. The words you’re about to say, do they have they potential to kill? Or are they life-giving words? Better yet, think about it this way. Would you want someone to say to you what you’re thinking about saying to them?

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The Power Of Your Words

The next time you go to say something to someone, take a second to think. The words you’re about to say, do they have they potential to kill? Or are they life-giving words? Better yet, think about it this way. Would you want someone to say to you what you’re thinking about saying to them?

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A Word Of Connection

Unfortunately, our default setting as human beings is to focus on ourselves. We think about ourselves. We talk about ourselves. We redirect conversations so they’re about us. We’re such a self-focused bunch of people. But that’s not what we’re called or commanded to be according to Scripture. Instead, we’re supposed to be selfless like Jesus was. As Paul states in the book of Philippians, we are supposed to focus on the interests of others, not just our own.

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A Word Of Connection

Unfortunately, our default setting as human beings is to focus on ourselves. We think about ourselves. We talk about ourselves. We redirect conversations so they’re about us. We’re such a self-focused bunch of people. But that’s not what we’re called or commanded to be according to Scripture. Instead, we’re supposed to be selfless like Jesus was. As Paul states in the book of Philippians, we are supposed to focus on the interests of others, not just our own.

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