Posts tagged conversation
10 Verses When You're Dealing With Conflict

I absolutely hate conflict and confrontation. I used to run from it at all costs growing up. Anytime an argument would start or a heated conversation would emerge, I would do everything in my power to retreat or remove myself from the situation. I just wanted peace. I wanted everyone to be happy - with me, with each other, with the current circumstances - and I didn’t handle it well when people seemed less than happy and at peace.

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What Is God Teaching You Right Now?

I remember one night last year when I was at small group, and we only had five people in attendance. While there’s definitely some truth behind the old statement of “the more the merrier,” I also love when conversations happen between a small group (no pun intended) of people at a gathering. So I was excited to see what the conversation would hold that night.

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What Is God Teaching You Right Now?

We only had five people in attendance at my small group last night. And while there’s definitely some truth behind the old statement of “the more the merrier,” I also love conversation between a small group (no pun intended) of people at a gathering. So when I realized it was just going to be the five of us last night, I was excited and expectant for what the night was going to hold.

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A Word Of Connection

Unfortunately, our default setting as human beings is to focus on ourselves. We think about ourselves. We talk about ourselves. We redirect conversations so they’re about us. We’re such a self-focused bunch of people. But that’s not what we’re called or commanded to be according to Scripture. Instead, we’re supposed to be selfless like Jesus was. As Paul states in the book of Philippians, we are supposed to focus on the interests of others, not just our own.

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A Word Of Connection

Unfortunately, our default setting as human beings is to focus on ourselves. We think about ourselves. We talk about ourselves. We redirect conversations so they’re about us. We’re such a self-focused bunch of people. But that’s not what we’re called or commanded to be according to Scripture. Instead, we’re supposed to be selfless like Jesus was. As Paul states in the book of Philippians, we are supposed to focus on the interests of others, not just our own.

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