What Is God Teaching You Right Now?

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. - John 14:26

I remember one night last year when I was at small group, and we only had five people in attendance. While there’s definitely some truth behind the old statement of “the more the merrier,” I also love when conversations happen between a small group (no pun intended) of people at a gathering. So I was excited to see what the conversation would hold that night.

Because we were missing quite a few people from the group, we took a break from our normal homework and video study materials to just check in with each other. We talked about how the week before had been for each of us. We talked about our different struggles with busyness and stress and trying to find rest in the midst of the one of most hectic times of the year. But my favorite part of the conversation came when one of the guys in the group posed this question:

“What is God teaching you right now?”

I hadn’t been asked that question in a while. And to be honest, I hadn’t asked myself this question in a while either. So I can’t even tell you how encouraging and refreshing the conversation was as we all dove into what God had been teaching each of us recently.

What made the conversation even cooler is that there were themes within the group as we shared the lessons we were learning as individuals. We talked about how difficult it is to surrender and keep your hands open when you want so badly to know exactly what your life is going to look like. We talked about the difference between shame and conviction as we tried to make sense of why we beat ourselves for skipping our quiet times when life gets crazy. And we talked about how God’s love for us does not change based on our performance, even though that’s tough for us to comprehend as humans.

I learned so much in that 45-minute conversation, not just because I finally put words to what God had been teaching me recently, but also because I listened to what He was teaching those around me. It made me want to have more conversations like that, to ask that question more often.

So, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m going to ask you the same question I was asked that night at small group.

What is God teaching you right now?

Whether you just think about your answer in your own quiet time, whether you write down your answer in your journal, or whether you talk about your answer with a friend or family member, I hope you’ll take the time to answer this question today. I hope you’ll carve out a few minutes to consider what God might be trying to teach you in this season of your life. What themes keep resurfacing? What Bible verses are you coming across repeatedly? What patterns are you noticing in your conversations and your quiet times?

I’m a firm believer that God has a way of repeating Himself when He’s trying to get our attention and teach us something. I don’t want to miss out on what He wants me to learn, and if I had to guess, I’d say you don’t want to miss out on that either.

So take some time today, even if it’s just five or ten minutes, and think about what God is teaching you right now. I pray that as you do, you will feel encouraged, uplifted, seen, and known by your Father in Heaven who loves you and is doing whatever it takes to make you more like Himself.