Posts tagged conflict
Following Jesus Means Living Differently

A few weeks ago when I was at church camp with our youth group, the pastor made a statement during one of his evening messages that really stuck with me. He said: If Jesus and I disagree, I am always wrong. My first thought was, “Well duh. Of course Jesus is always right.” But then there was this little ping of conviction in my heart, and a second thought came to my mind, “Jesus may always be right, but I don’t always act like I believe that.”

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10 Verses When You're Dealing With Conflict

I absolutely hate conflict and confrontation. I used to run from it at all costs growing up. Anytime an argument would start or a heated conversation would emerge, I would do everything in my power to retreat or remove myself from the situation. I just wanted peace. I wanted everyone to be happy - with me, with each other, with the current circumstances - and I didn’t handle it well when people seemed less than happy and at peace.

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Believing The Best Of People

Last year during one of the varsity girls’ basketball games I coached, I remember noticing the referees walk in while my team was warming up. Amidst the three guys who were going to be officiating was my favorite referee. Yes, I had favorites. I promise I was still nice to the other referees, but I definitely had refs I preferred, and so when this guy walked into the gym that night, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing we should have good officiating for the game.

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Believing The Best Of People

Last night while the varsity girls basketball team I coach was warming up for their game, I saw the referees walk in. Amidst the three guys who were going to be officiating was my favorite referee. (Yes I have favorites. I promise I’m still nice to the other referees, but I definitely have refs I prefer, and so when this guy walked into the gym last night, I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing we should have good officiating for this game.

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