Posts tagged hurt
Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Empathy

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Instagram, I came across a post by one of my favorite influencers where she shared that she had miscarried over the weekend. A few minutes later, I watched her Instagram stories where she shared more about what had happened. While this story was absolutely heartbreaking, there was one detail that made my heart sink with sadness and disappointment.

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Ripped Jeans And Messy Lives

A few years ago, I was getting ready for work and decided to wear my favorite Old Navy black jeans. They were my favorite at the time not only because they were black and therefore flattering, but because they had an elastic waistband, which was extremely underrated at the time. When I put the jeans on, I noticed a little hole in the inseam of the inside of my pant leg. But it was a very tiny hole and it wasn’t super noticeable, so I wore the jeans to work anyway.

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The Power Of Your Words

The next time you go to say something to someone, take a second to think. The words you’re about to say, do they have they potential to kill? Or are they life-giving words? Better yet, think about it this way. Would you want someone to say to you what you’re thinking about saying to them?

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The Power Of Your Words

The next time you go to say something to someone, take a second to think. The words you’re about to say, do they have they potential to kill? Or are they life-giving words? Better yet, think about it this way. Would you want someone to say to you what you’re thinking about saying to them?

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Use Your Story

Have you gone through something painful, heartbreaking, or upsetting, but then you’ve seen God use your story down the road to encourage someone else? What a compassionate and gracious God we serve that He would give us these little nods of hope and redemption as He grants us opportunities to empathize with people who are walking the same rough paths we’ve walked.

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Covering Up The Pain

Why are we so quick to cover up our pain and our wounds instead of trying to uncover them so we can heal? Why do we feel this overwhelming pressure for everyone around us to think we have it all together and that we’re always “fine”? Would it be so bad if we chose to be vulnerable instead? Would it be a terrible idea if we exposed our wounds in order to get the counsel, the help, and the encouragement we need to get better? At first glance, that might seem like a really scary path to take. But if we’re going to heal from our hurts and progress from our pain, then we’re going to have open up.

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