Posts tagged care
Can People Tell That You Know Jesus?

After I placed my order for an iced coffee and an everything bagel, I took a seat at a table by the front window. As I pulled out my computer and started writing out my to-do list for the day, one of the coffee shop’s regulars, an elderly lady named Janet made her way to the front door to leave. As she got closer to the exit, she pulled up her hood on her coat, getting ready to face the pouring rain outside. But before she could walk out the door, a man with an umbrella walked up behind her and asked if he could walk her to her car.

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Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Empathy

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Instagram, I came across a post by one of my favorite influencers where she shared that she had miscarried over the weekend. A few minutes later, I watched her Instagram stories where she shared more about what had happened. While this story was absolutely heartbreaking, there was one detail that made my heart sink with sadness and disappointment.

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