Posts tagged discomfort
Don't Shy Away From Difficulty

I remember during one conversation Brett and I had, he was telling me about a kid he’s been training recently. We’ll call this kid Andy. Andy is part of a group of athletes working with Brett each week. On one particular night during a training session, Brett was working with the group on driving to the basket and finishing with a left-handed layup. Well, Andy was right-handed. So he would drive to the basket, but every time he got ready to shoot, he would lay the ball up with his right hand instead of his left.

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God's Promises Are Worth Waiting For

When she was telling me this story later on, she talked about how creating this painting gave her such an accurate picture of the process of waiting. Sometimes your life may not look exactly like you thought it would. Maybe certain things take longer than you expected them to. And maybe you have to endure some painful circumstances along the way. But thankfully, there is a God who promises to make everything beautiful in its time.

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Worth The Wait

When she was telling me this story later on, she talked about how creating this painting gave her such an accurate picture of the process of waiting. Sometimes your life may not look exactly like you thought it would. Maybe certain things take longer than you expected them to. And maybe you have to endure some painful circumstances along the way. But thankfully, there is a God who promises to make everything beautiful in its time.

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