Posts tagged leap of faith
Are You Confident In Jesus?

This morning I was studying the fifth chapter of Luke during my quiet time, specifically the story of a group of men who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus and lowered Him through the roof so that Jesus could heal him. I’ve read this story a few times in the past, but this morning, something I read in a commentary about this particular passage stuck out to me.

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As much as I desire to please my parents, and as much as I want them to agree with every decision I make, I've learned over the years that pleasing my parents is not my ultimate goal in life. That's not why I was put on this earth. No, I was created in the image of God to follow Jesus, obey His Word, love others the way He loves me, and carry out His will for my life. Pleasing my parents in doing so is just icing on the cake.

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Comfort Zones

Let me ask you a question. If you knew God was calling you to do something big, would you be more likely to jump on board without any hesitation, or would you say something along the lines of “no thanks, I’m good” because you didn’t want to lose your comfort and stability? A lot of us would like to say we’d follow God’s lead at the drop of a hat. But in reality, a lot of us have avoided (or are currently avoiding) God’s call on our lives for fear of the unknown.

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It's Time To Jump

If I’m being honest, fear of rejection and fear of failure have always been two of my greatest fears. They’re often hiding behind the excuses I make for hesitating to take a leap of faith. Fear-filled questions swarm my mind, trying to convince me not to go after something that might seem risky, even if I feel like that something is what the Lord is pointing me towards.

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As much as I desire to please my parents, and as much as I want them to agree with every decision I make, I've learned over the years that pleasing my parents is not my ultimate goal in life. That's not why I was put on this earth. No, I was created in the image of God to follow Jesus, obey His Word, love others the way He loves me, and carry out His will for my life. Pleasing my parents in doing so is just icing on the cake.

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Time To Jump

If I’m being honest, fear of rejection and fear of failure have always been two of my greatest fears. They’re often hiding behind the excuses I make for hesitating to take a leap of faith. Fear-filled questions swarm my mind, trying to convince me not to go after something that might seem risky, even if I feel like that something is what the Lord is pointing me towards.

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Comfort Zones

Let me ask you a question. If you knew God was calling you to do something big, would you be more likely to jump on board without any hesitation, or would you say something along the lines of “no thanks, I’m good” because you didn’t want to lose your comfort and stability? A lot of us would like to say we’d follow God’s lead at the drop of a hat. But in reality, a lot of us have avoided (or are currently avoiding) God’s call on our lives for fear of the unknown.

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