Posts tagged parents

As much as I desire to please my parents, and as much as I want them to agree with every decision I make, I've learned over the years that pleasing my parents is not my ultimate goal in life. That's not why I was put on this earth. No, I was created in the image of God to follow Jesus, obey His Word, love others the way He loves me, and carry out His will for my life. Pleasing my parents in doing so is just icing on the cake.

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Try Again

If life always worked out according to our expectations, then we would never have to persevere through anything. We’d never reap the benefits, the character building, and the hopefulness that comes from persevering through hard times. To put it bluntly, the only way we’re going to learn how to persevere is to face difficult circumstances. But we can be confident that as we are enduring those circumstances, we are building character, and that character produces hope. And hope is the best thing you can have when you’re dealing with failure, disappointment, and unmet expectations.

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As much as I desire to please my parents, and as much as I want them to agree with every decision I make, I've learned over the years that pleasing my parents is not my ultimate goal in life. That's not why I was put on this earth. No, I was created in the image of God to follow Jesus, obey His Word, love others the way He loves me, and carry out His will for my life. Pleasing my parents in doing so is just icing on the cake.

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