Posts tagged remember
Make A Remembrance List

What did you see God do in your life last year? Have you thought about that question at all since you rang in the new year a few weeks ago? I know I have, mainly because 2021 ended up being a pretty big year for me, way bigger than I expected. I’m someone who likes to spend time reflecting and being introspective, although I will admit I’m bad at carving out time to do those things when I’m busy.

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Remembering God's Faithfulness

One of the toughest parts of navigating the unexpected is dealing with so much uncertainty. When life doesn’t go according to plan, we feel like we’re walking down a dark staircase, and we’re not sure where it’s leading us. And when we find ourselves in these uncertain times, it can be extremely tempting to begin to doubt God.

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Remembering God's Faithfulness

One of the toughest parts of navigating the unexpected is dealing with so much uncertainty. When life doesn’t go according to plan, we feel like we’re walking down a dark staircase, and we’re not sure where it’s leading us. And when we find ourselves in these uncertain times, it can be extremely tempting to begin to doubt God.

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