A Prayer For Remembering

Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. - Romans 4:20-21

Over the weekend, I wrote a prayer down in my journal. It was nothing elaborate or fancy. It wasn’t a prayer I spent a long period of time crafting to make sure it sounded perfect. It was just a prayer full of short, simple sentences, expressing the desires of my heart to God. 

I’ve flipped back to that page in my journal to read the prayer every day since I wrote it, because I think it’s worth repeating. I think it’s going to be a good way to set my mind and my heart for the day ahead. And so I want to share it with you. 

Recently I’ve learned that sometimes, when we don’t know what to pray, it can be helpful to borrow prayers from other believers, to accept their help in putting words to feelings and circumstances we’re not sure how to describe. I know I’ve had to borrow prayers from others several times in my own walk with Jesus, and so my goal is to lend you this prayer today if you need it. 

My the Holy Spirit speak to your heart and comfort your soul as you talk to Him today, asking Him to prepare you for whatever this day holds. 

God, I want to hear from you. I want to know you. I want to see you when I’m looking for you and when I’m not. I want to feel your presence. I want to experience your provision, even when it comes in ways and times that I didn’t expect or ask for. I want to trust you when I’m tempted to worry instead. I want my love for you to grow every day, always remembering that your love is endless, unfailing, unchanging. I want to know that you are steadfast. May I always find comfort in the fact that no matter what change, uncertainty, or wilderness I walk through, you remain the same. God, remind me of what is true, and rid my mind and my heart of what isn’t. Fill me with your peace and your hope. I want to remember your faithfulness. I want to remember your kindness. I want to remember your guidance. I want to remember you. Amen.