Make A Remembrance List

I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. - Psalm 77:11

What did you see God do in your life last year?

Have you thought about that question at all since you rang in the new year a few weeks ago? I know I have, mainly because 2021 ended up being a pretty big year for me, way bigger than I expected. I’m someone who likes to spend time reflecting and being introspective, although I will admit I’m bad at carving out time to do those things when I’m busy.

But as last year came to a close, I felt the Lord putting it on my heart to make a remembrance list. In other words, I needed to make a list of all the things I saw God do last year, all the ways I saw Him work, and all the prayers I saw Him answer.

So with that in mind, I want to encourage you to do the same. I want to challenge you to make your own remembrance list and write down all the things you remember God doing in 2021. This list can be on your phone. It can be in your journal. It can even be on a sticky note. Wherever you write it, thought, just make sure you hold onto it. Because the thing about remembrance lists is that they’re not just for the day you make them.

A remembrance list is something you can (and should) go back and reference pretty often. It serves as a great reminder of all the ways God has been faithful and all the ways He’s come through for you. So when the days and seasons come where life feels uncertain, when it seems difficult to trust God, and when you’re worried about how things are going to pan out, you can go back to this list. You can help yourself remember that God is good, He is with you, and He always wants what’s best for you.

So carve out a few minutes today and make that list. You can even add to it in the days to come as you think of more ways you saw God work last year. My prayer is that this list will serve you well, that the Holy Spirit will flood your mind with memories of God’s faithfulness and goodness, and that you will be encouraged and your faith will be reignited as you recall all of God’s work in your life last year.