What Is The State Of Your Heart?

Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy. Blessed is the one who fears the Lord always, but whoever hardens his heart will fall into calamity. – Proverbs 28:13-14

As I’m writing this devotion, I’m currently snacking on chocolate peanut butter protein bites. They’re one of my new favorite snacks, especially knowing I can give my body protein while also eating something with chocolate in it. That’s always a plus.

However, my experience with these protein bites hasn’t always been positive. The first time I made these protein bites, I learned a very important lesson. After you make a batch of the bites, you’re supposed to store them in the freezer. So I followed the instructions of the recipe and placed my delicious-looking protein bites in a container in the freezer. The next day, I decided to try one. So I popped open the container, grabbed one of the bites, and sunk my teeth into it…or at least tried to.

I had to bite down so hard that I was fairly certain I chipped a tooth from taking my first bite. These things were as hard as rocks, and my mouth was hurting as a result. Who knew something with so much potential to be wonderful could end up being so painful?

The more I thought about my experience of eating the frozen protein bites, I thought about what happens when our hearts are as hard as rocks.

When we have hardened hearts – when we don’t have a posture of humility and teachability – the work God does within us hurts. It stings. It’s uncomfortable. And it pokes at our pain points. A hardened heart makes conviction so much more painful than it needs to be. And it makes it a lot more difficult for us to grow and mature in our faith.

On the other hand, if we have softened hearts – if we choose to be humble, open-handed, and teachable – the Lord’s work on us and in us is a lot less uncomfortable. When I allowed the protein bites to thaw a little bit before I took a bite, my snacking experience was so much better. And it’s that analogy that reminds me of how important it is that I keep my heart soft before the Lord.

What’s the state of your heart right now, friend? Is your heart softened before God? Do you approach Him with humility? Do you long to learn how to be more like Jesus? Are you open to His pruning and convicting work in your heart? Do you have a teachable spirit?

Or have you allowed your heart to harden? Do you find yourself resistant to or easily irritated with conviction? Do you struggle to listen to others because you’re sure you have all the right answers? Do you find pride rearing its ugly head in your heart?

I want to encourage you to spend some time in prayer today with the Holy Spirit and ask Him to reveal to you the true state of your heart. If you discover your heart is hard, ask Him to soften it and make it malleable and moldable so your Heavenly Father can work with it. And if your heart is currently soft, pray the Holy Spirit keeps you in a state of humility and teachability and protects you from any pride or rigidity that could steer you down the wrong path.

God can do amazing things in and through a soft heart, friend. I want you to experience that firsthand. And I know your Heavenly Father does too.