A Prayer For Every Morning

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. - Psalm 143:8

A few years ago, I bought a book of prayers that was recommended by one of my friends, and this book has become one of my favorite resources to read, especially when I can't seem to find the words to pray about what's on my heart. 

The book consists of over 100 prayers, all uniquely written for different circumstances, events, or groups of people. The one I read today is called "A Prayer for First Waking." As I read it, I couldn't help but think that we should all start each day with a prayer like this, a prayer of surrender, of trust, and of hope in what the Lord has in store for us. I've included pieces of the prayer below, and I would encourage you to take a moment and offer this prayer up to your Heavenly Father, not just today, but each day He gifts you with moving forward.

I am not the captain of my own destiny, not even of this new day,

and so I renounce anew all claim to my own life and desires.

I am only yours, O Lord.

Lead me by your mercies through these hours that I might spend them well,

not in harried pursuit of my own agenda, but rather in good service to you.

Teach me to shepherd the small duties of this day with great love,

tending faithfully those tasks you place within my care

and tending with patience and kindness the needs and hearts 

of those people you place within my reach.

Nothing is too hard for you, Lord Christ. 

I deposit now all confidence in you that whatever these waking hours bring,

my foundations will not be shaken.

At day's end I will lay me down again to sleep

knowing that my best hope is well kept in you. 
