Posts tagged Bible study
Habits To Cultivate In Your Single Season

Not long after I got engaged, I remember people frequently saying things like, “Your life is about to change,” or “Things will never be the same once you get married,” or even “Marriage is a whole new way of life.” However, I don’t know if those people who talked to me about the changes that came with marriage were 100% correct. While it’s true that my life changed a lot when I got married, not everything about my life changed. There were quite a few things that stayed the same, like the habits I had created in my singleness (for better or worse).

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How Can The Bible Help You?

We have access to the most helpful tool we could ever have in this life. God’s Word has a lot to offer us when we need guidance and direction. The Bible has so much to say about relationships, finances, conflict management, work, anxiety, trust, forgiveness, purpose, identity, and so many other things. It’s the best place to go when you need advice on how to live the life God has marked out for you. So if you have access to that, why wouldn’t you use it?

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