Posts tagged direction
Where To Find Encouragement

Scripture tells us that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalm 119:105). His Word shows us where we’re standing and where we need to go. It tells you clearly if you’re headed in the right direction or if you’re wandering down a dark and dangerous path. It gives you wisdom. It gives you discernment. And it gives you hope like nothing and no one else can.

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How Can The Bible Help You?

We have access to the most helpful tool we could ever have in this life. God’s Word has a lot to offer us when we need guidance and direction. The Bible has so much to say about relationships, finances, conflict management, work, anxiety, trust, forgiveness, purpose, identity, and so many other things. It’s the best place to go when you need advice on how to live the life God has marked out for you. So if you have access to that, why wouldn’t you use it?

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Where To Find Encouragement

Scripture tells us that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalm 119:105). His Word shows us where we’re standing and where we need to go. It tells you clearly if you’re headed in the right direction or if you’re wandering down a dark and dangerous path. It gives you wisdom. It gives you discernment. And it gives you hope like nothing and no one else can.

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Where To Find Encouragement

Scripture tells us that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalm 119:105). His Word shows us where we’re standing and where we need to go. It tells you clearly if you’re headed in the right direction or if you’re wandering down a dark and dangerous path. It gives you wisdom. It gives you discernment. And it gives you hope like nothing and no one else can.

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Traffic Lights

Today’s devotion holds a special place in my heart because it was one of the very first devotions I ever crafted. I wrote this when I was 19-years-old, after I had sat through way too many traffic lights on my way home from one of my college classes. The analogy has stuck with me over the years, so I figured I would share this devotion with you in hopes that from now on, when you see a traffic light, you’ll be reminded of the picture it paints of God’s guidance and direction in our lives.

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