Posts tagged wise
Who Are You Surrounded By?

There’s a famous quote that reads, “You become like the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.” I truly believe that’s one of the greatest pieces of advice we can follow, because it affirms what Proverbs 13:20 tells us. If we want to be wise, we must surround ourself with wise people. But if we hang out with foolish people, we will reap the negative consequences of their influence.

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Asking For Wisdom

I remember this one particular conversation I was having with Elaine. She had just finished giving me all sorts of great advice when I looked at her and asked, “Elaine, how did you get to be so wise?” I figured she’d come back with an answer about how all of her life experience had just naturally developed wisdom in her. And while I’m sure that’s part of it, that’s not the answer she gave me. No, instead, she looked at me with an encouraging smile on her face and said, “I asked God to give me wisdom.”

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Who Do You Need To Unsubscribe From?

I don’t know about you, by my email inbox has seemed extra cluttered these days. Maybe it’s from all of the email lists I ended up on from my holiday shopping. Or maybe I’m proving to be an easy target for Instagram ads. Either way, it feels like I’m being flooded with emails that I don’t even want to read.

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Praying For Wisdom

I remember this one particular conversation I was having with Elaine. She had just finished giving me all sorts of great advice when I looked at her and asked, “Elaine, how did you get to be so wise?” I figured she’d come back with an answer about how all of her life experience had just naturally developed wisdom in her. And while I’m sure that’s part of it, that’s not the answer she gave me. No, instead, she looked at me with an encouraging smile on her face and said, “I asked God to give me wisdom.”

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