Posts tagged wise counsel
Who's On Your Board Of Directors?

If the most successful companies and organizations see the importance of having a board of directors, what would it look like for us to recognize that same importance in our individual lives? I’ve been thinking a lot about this concept recently, especially as I wrote my new devotional, “For My Single Friend” because it was in my mid-twenties, right in the middle of my singleness journey, that I really started to take “building my board” seriously. I wouldn’t have called it that at the time, but that’s what I began to do. And that process has continued to grow and evolve even now that I’m just starting off my thirties.

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Why You Should Knock Before Entering Someone’s Life

Recently, I was flipping back through one of my old journals (I like to do this from time to time), and I landed on an entry from December 2, 2021. The last paragraph on the page was a quote by Chip Judd, a professional Christian counselor who created an audio course on relationships that I dove into at the time.

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Who Do You Need To Unsubscribe From?

I don’t know about you, by my email inbox has seemed extra cluttered these days. Maybe it’s from all of the email lists I ended up on from my holiday shopping. Or maybe I’m proving to be an easy target for Instagram ads. Either way, it feels like I’m being flooded with emails that I don’t even want to read.

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