Posts tagged mentor
Who's On Your Board Of Directors?

If the most successful companies and organizations see the importance of having a board of directors, what would it look like for us to recognize that same importance in our individual lives? I’ve been thinking a lot about this concept recently, especially as I wrote my new devotional, “For My Single Friend” because it was in my mid-twenties, right in the middle of my singleness journey, that I really started to take “building my board” seriously. I wouldn’t have called it that at the time, but that’s what I began to do. And that process has continued to grow and evolve even now that I’m just starting off my thirties.

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Asking For Wisdom

I remember this one particular conversation I was having with Elaine. She had just finished giving me all sorts of great advice when I looked at her and asked, “Elaine, how did you get to be so wise?” I figured she’d come back with an answer about how all of her life experience had just naturally developed wisdom in her. And while I’m sure that’s part of it, that’s not the answer she gave me. No, instead, she looked at me with an encouraging smile on her face and said, “I asked God to give me wisdom.”

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Why You Should Knock Before Entering Someone’s Life

Recently, I was flipping back through one of my old journals (I like to do this from time to time), and I landed on an entry from December 2, 2021. The last paragraph on the page was a quote by Chip Judd, a professional Christian counselor who created an audio course on relationships that I dove into at the time.

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Praying For Wisdom

I remember this one particular conversation I was having with Elaine. She had just finished giving me all sorts of great advice when I looked at her and asked, “Elaine, how did you get to be so wise?” I figured she’d come back with an answer about how all of her life experience had just naturally developed wisdom in her. And while I’m sure that’s part of it, that’s not the answer she gave me. No, instead, she looked at me with an encouraging smile on her face and said, “I asked God to give me wisdom.”

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