Asking For Wisdom

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. - James 1:5

Have you ever been talking to someone or asking someone for advice, and after you walk away find yourself saying, “Gosh they are just so wise”?

That happened to me a few years ago. One of my dear friends and mentors, Elaine, is one of the wisest human beings I’ve ever been around. She’s one of those people who just oozes wisdom and discernment. She asks good questions. She gives godly counsel. She can look at a scenario from a variety of viewpoints. And she’s always extending empathy while reminding me of the truth of God’s Word. (I’m  also pretty sure she has at least half of the Bible committed to memory.)

I remember this one particular conversation I was having with Elaine. She had just finished giving me all sorts of great advice when I looked at her and asked, “Elaine, how did you get to be so wise?” I figured she’d come back with an answer about how all of her life experience had just naturally developed wisdom in her. And while I’m sure that’s part of it, that’s not the answer she gave me. No, instead, she looked at me with an encouraging smile on her face and said, “I asked God to give me wisdom.”

It was that simple. She prayed for wisdom, and God clearly answered that prayer above and beyond what she probably expected from Him. Elaine went on to remind me of the Lord’s promise to us in James 1:5 that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God to grant us wisdom, and He will give it to us generously. 

Since that day, wisdom is something I’ve prayed for many times. And while I know I am still nowhere close to being as wise as Elaine, I have seen God answer that prayer and grant me the wisdom and discernment I asked Him for. 

Friend, if you want to be wise, if you want to make good decisions, if you want discernment and understanding, just start by asking for it. Sure, there’s truth to the old adage that wisdom comes with age, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start developing wisdom right now while you’re young. When you pray for wisdom, that is a prayer God loves to answer with overflowing generosity. So don’t hesitate to ask Him to make you wise, and wait and see how He keeps His promise to do so.