Posts tagged support
How To Celebrate The Success Of Others

I read a quote on Instagram today that said, “Supporting another’s success won’t ever dampen yours.” Reading that statement stopped me in my tracks because that’s not the way we live by default as humans. And that makes me sad because I wish that weren’t the case. I wish we celebrated others more than we compared ourselves to others.

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Becoming A Good Friend

I can honestly say some of the greatest blessings I’ve received from the Lord are my friends. I am so grateful that I have people in my corner who encourage me, support me, love me, challenge me, and ultimately point me back to Christ in every situation. I’ve made it a point to pray for godly friendships over the years, and I’ve seen God answer that prayer time and time again. But one thing I’ve learned is that high-quality friendships don’t just happen by chance. To have good friends, you have to learn to be a good friend.

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