Posts tagged jealousy
How To Celebrate The Success Of Others

I read a quote on Instagram today that said, “Supporting another’s success won’t ever dampen yours.” Reading that statement stopped me in my tracks because that’s not the way we live by default as humans. And that makes me sad because I wish that weren’t the case. I wish we celebrated others more than we compared ourselves to others.

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Is God Enough For You?

Far too often, we believe that if we could just get the one thing we want, the one thing that everyone else seems to have, we’ll be happy and content. But as we ask, or even demand, that God give us what we want, we’re basically saying that He isn’t enough to satisfy our wants and our needs. That’s exactly what the Israelites communicated, that God wasn’t enough for them, when they demanded a king like every other nation had.

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Is God Enough For You?

Far too often, we believe that if we could just get the one thing we want, the one thing that everyone else seems to have, we’ll be happy and content. But as we ask, or even demand, that God give us what we want, we’re basically saying that He isn’t enough to satisfy our wants and our needs. That’s exactly what the Israelites communicated, that God wasn’t enough for them, when they demanded a king like every other nation had.

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Is God Enough For You?

Far too often, we believe that if we could just get the one thing we want, the one thing that everyone else seems to have, we’ll be happy and content. But as we ask, or even demand, that God give us what we want, we’re basically saying that He isn’t enough to satisfy our wants and our needs. That’s exactly what the Israelites communicated, that God wasn’t enough for them, when they demanded a king like every other nation had.

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Stuck On The Sidelines

It just doesn’t seem fair. You can’t understand why things always seem to go well for her, why she doesn’t have to wait for anything. Meanwhile you feel like you can’t catch a break, like you just can’t win. You just keep waiting and waiting and waiting, praying that before long, it’ll finally be your turn, that you won’t have to wait anymore, and you’ll get what you’ve been hoping for.

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Shifting Your Focus

God shows us consistently through His Word and through His people how important it is for us to focus on what we do have instead of focusing on what we don’t have. Because if we’re being honest, we don’t want our joy to fluctuate based on circumstances we have no control over. Instead we need to remember that our joy should be based on our relationship with the Lord.

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