Posts tagged provision
10 Verses For When You Need God To Provide For You

The thing about being a human is that we aren’t as self-sufficient as we like to believe. We can’t always make everything happen the way we want it to happen. We can’t always make sure we’re fulfilled and provided for in our own power and our own strength. BUT…the good news about being a follower of Jesus is that we have a God who loves to provide for us. We serve a God who can meet all of our needs and can always come through. And we have a God we can depend on no matter what we’re walking through and what challenges or deficiencies we’re facing.

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You Can't Trump God's Sovereignty

I was doing everything in my power to get a different job, and from what I was told, I was doing everything right. I was leveraging my connections. I was receiving great references from my previous and current bosses. I was preparing for interviews for hours on end by studying practice questions and researching online. But it still wasn't enough. I was still told "no" seven times. I even had one hiring manager tell me, "Kristen, there was nothing more you could have done. You did everything right on your just wasn't the best fit."

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Faithful Provision

Soon after the miracle of Jesus feed the 5000, Jesus and the disciples found themselves in a similar situation in the midst of 4000 hungry men and their families. Not surprisingly, Jesus once again provided in amazing ways. But before He did, His disciples questioned how Jesus could come through for them in the same way. After having just seen Jesus feed more people with less food, they still asked "Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?" (Matthew 15:33).

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You Can't Trump God's Sovereignty

I was doing everything in my power to get a different job, and from what I was told, I was doing everything right. I was leveraging my connections. I was receiving great references from my previous and current bosses. I was preparing for interviews for hours on end by studying practice questions and researching online. But it still wasn't enough. I was still told "no" seven times. I even had one hiring manager tell me, "Kristen, there was nothing more you could have done. You did everything right on your just wasn't the best fit."

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Faithful Provision

Soon after the miracle of Jesus feed the 5000, Jesus and the disciples found themselves in a similar situation in the midst of 4000 hungry men and their families. Not surprisingly, Jesus once again provided in amazing ways. But before He did, His disciples questioned how Jesus could come through for them in the same way. After having just seen Jesus feed more people with less food, they still asked "Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?" (Matthew 15:33).

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