You Can't Trump God's Sovereignty

Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. - Psalm 115:3

If you've read any of my previous blog posts from 2017 and 2018, then you know that I was going through a really tough season of job hunting during that time. (If you haven’t looked through them and you’re going through a season of waiting, I highly recommend you go check them out.)

During this season of my life, I was applying and interviewing for jobs for a total of 18 months. It wasn't until the eighth job opportunity that I was finally offered a position, after being told "no" seven other times. I experienced more rejection in those 18 months than I ever had before. But at the same time, I also learned a lot from that season.

You see, I was doing everything in my power to get a different job, and from what I was told, I was doing everything right. I was leveraging my connections. I was receiving great references from my previous and current bosses. I was preparing for interviews for hours on end by studying practice questions and researching online. But it still wasn't enough. I was still told "no" seven times. I even had one hiring manager tell me, "Kristen, there was nothing more you could have done. You did everything right on your just wasn't the best fit."

I've come to realize since then that the same can be true in other areas of our life besides looking for a job. You could be doing everything right on paper when it comes to applying to colleges or grad schools. You can have good grades, participate in extracurricular actives, write a killer essay, but still get the rejection letter in the mail.

This could also be true when it comes to wanting to be in a relationship. You could be putting yourself in environments to meet guys. You could look your best 24/7. You could be funny and smart and successful. You could have every one of your ducks in a row, and yet still find yourself single.

But why? Why is that the case? Why do we still come up short, why do we still get rejected, and why are we still left waiting when it seems like we’re doing everything right?

Well friend, at the end of the day, God is still sovereign over your life. His plan and purpose always prevails. He’s not going to keep you from His best for you. But He’s also going to do whatever He can to protect you from something that isn’t His best for you. So even if you think that school is the best fit, or even if you think that job is perfect for you, or even if you think that you’re ready to be in a relationship, God sees something you don’t see. He knows something you don’t know. And in all His might, His power, and His sovereignty. He’s choosing to reserve for you for something better. So I hope that you will trust Him as He guides you to His best, and that you’ll continue to seek Him in the midst of the confusion, the rejection, and the waiting.