Posts tagged God's ways
Trusting God When It Isn't Easy

We’ve all had this feeling in some way, shape or form. We believe God has given us something or called us to something, and then all of a sudden that gift, that dream, that person is taken away from us. It’s a confusing place to be, but you don’t have to stay confused. Our God is a God you can be confident in, a God you can trust wholeheartedly. Even if your life seems to be spiraling out of control, He is still in complete control. Nothing that happens to you ever catches Him by surprise.

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Waiting, Waiting, And More Waiting

What are you waiting for right now? What is that one thing that you’ve been praying for over and over, but the answer just hasn’t come? What’s that one thing you want so badly that you heart physically aches for it? I know the answer to those questions for myself, and I’m sure it wasn’t hard for you to come up with the answers either. We’re all waiting for something.

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Trusting God When It Isn't Easy

We’ve all had this feeling in some way, shape or form. We believe God has given us something or called us to something, and then all of a sudden that gift, that dream, that person is taken away from us. It’s a confusing place to be, but you don’t have to stay confused. Our God is a God you can be confident in, a God you can trust wholeheartedly. Even if your life seems to be spiraling out of control, He is still in complete control. Nothing that happens to you ever catches Him by surprise.

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Waiting, Waiting, And More Waiting

What are you waiting for right now? What is that one thing that you’ve been praying for over and over, but the answer just hasn’t come? What’s that one thing you want so badly that you heart physically aches for it? I know the answer to those questions for myself, and I’m sure it wasn’t hard for you to come up with the answers either. We’re all waiting for something.

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Trusting God When It Isn't Easy

We’ve all had this feeling in some way, shape or form. We believe God has given us something or called us to something, and then all of a sudden that gift, that dream, that person is taken away from us. It’s a confusing place to be, but you don’t have to stay confused. Our God is a God you can be confident in, a God you can trust wholeheartedly. Even if your life seems to be spiraling out of control, He is still in complete control. Nothing that happens to you ever catches Him by surprise.

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