Are You Submitting To God's Will?

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me according to your word.” Then the angel left her. (Luke 1:38)

If there was ever an example of complete submission to God’s will, it’s the story of Mary that we read about in the gospel of Luke. Here was Mary, a teenager, engaged to be married, ready to start a new and exciting chapter in her life when an angel shows up and tells her she is going to be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Talk about an interruption.

I’m sure Mary had all kinds of other plans besides getting pregnant before her wedding. I bet she had all sorts of expectations of what her life would look like over the next few years. But God had different plans to carry out His perfect will. And instead of pitching a fit, pouting in disappointment, or refusing to cooperate, Mary submitted, willing to follow wherever the Lord may lead her. 

I love what Mary says in Luke 1:38: “’I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May it be to me according to your word.’ Then the angel left her.” Even though I’m sure it was hard for Mary when God’s timing didn’t align with her presuppositions, Mary said yes. Even though it was anxiety-inducing that people could count and she would be tempted to live in the shame others would inevitably place on her life, Mary said yes. And even though it was worrisome that she had no control over her child’s future, Mary said yes. Even then, her life was lived under submission to the Father’s plan and will. And there is nothing we can do that will ever be more important than submitting to the Lord’s will.

Has God interrupted your plans in an effort to lead you down a different path? Do you know what God has been calling you to do, but you’ve been reluctant to submit? If so, my prayer is that you will follow Mary’s example, and that even when it’s difficult, you choose to surrender all to the Lord God Almighty who always has your best interest at heart.