Posts tagged choices
Remember This When You Have A Big Decision To Make

The average adult makes approximately 35,000 remotely conscious decisions every day. Think about that for a second. 35,000 decisions. Decisions ranging anywhere from texting that cute boy you have a crush on, to figuring out what you want to do after college, to deciding if you want an extra shot of espresso in your morning coffee.

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How To Choose Joy

There are moments in your life that, when they happen, you know you’ll never forget them. I’ve got quite a long list of those moments in my own life, but there’s one in particular that will forever be a favorite. A few summers ago, as I was driving home from running errands, I couldn’t stop complaining. I wasn’t necessarily talking to myself out loud in my car (although I’ve done that before). But on the inside, my heart was listing off one complaint after the other.

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Remember This When You Have A Big Decision To Make

The average adult makes approximately 35,000 remotely conscious decisions every day. Think about that for a second. 35,000 decisions. Decisions ranging anywhere from texting that cute boy you have a crush on, to figuring out what you want to do after college, to deciding if you want an extra shot of espresso in your morning coffee.

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Remember This When You Have A Big Decision To Make

The average adult makes approximately 35,000 remotely conscious decisions every day. Think about that for a second. 35,000 decisions. Decisions ranging anywhere from texting that cute boy you have a crush on, to figuring out what you want to do after college, to deciding if you want an extra shot of espresso in your morning coffee.

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