How To Make Sure You're Making The Right Decision

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

Today is my dad’s birthday, so in honor of him, I thought I would share with you the #1 piece of advice my dad gives me every time I have a decision to make.

No matter what my circumstances are, no matter what the context of the situation is, and no matter how many pros and cons lists I’ve made, my dad’s advice when it comes to decision making remains the same:

Kristen, I think you should pray about this before you make a decision. 

This advice has never steered me wrong. I’ve never once come back to my dad and said, “Well you told me to pray about it, and that backfired big time.” He’s been right every single time he’s reminded me that if I’m going to make a decision regarding my life and my future, it would be in my best interest to talk to the One who created my life and holds my future.

Another great thing about my dad is that a lot of times when he gives advice, he has a story to go along with his wisdom. There’s one in particular that comes to mind whenever I think about the importance of prayer when there’s a decision to be made.

Right around the time my parents got married, my dad was offered a sales job for a tree company. It was unlike any job he’d ever had before, but the money was good, so he took it with little hesitation. To this day, my dad will tell you that he regrets not praying about the job before he accepted it, because the next six months working for that company were some of the most miserable of his career. 

He hated going to work each day. It was frustrating and unfulfilling, pretty much just downright awful. So after about six months had passed, my dad was walking into work one day and asked the Lord for clarity. He said, “God, you know I’m miserable in this job. So I’m asking you for clarity on how to move forward, and I pray you would do something today. Show me something today.”

And the Lord was faithful. 

When my dad arrived at work that morning, his boss called him into his office and said they were having to lay some people off, my dad being one of those people. When my dad tells this story now, he usually chuckles around this part of the story as he remembers how God came through for him, maybe not in the way my dad expected, but He came through nonetheless.

And not only did He give my dad the clarity he asked for, but my dad received a called later that week offering him a job that started the following Monday – meaning my dad never missed a day of work. 

I love when my dad tells this story because every time I hear it, I’m reminded of this very important truth: You should never make a decision without praying about it first, but even if you do, God’s faithfulness doesn’t go away. You will still have to deal with the consequences of your decision, just like my dad had to work at a job he hated for six months. But that doesn’t mean God isn’t faithful or that He isn’t capable of redeeming your circumstances.

So, friend, if you have a big decision to make, if you’re searching to clarity in the midst of uncertainty, I hope that you will take my dad’s advice and not move forward without praying about this first. But even if you have, even if the decision has already been made, don’t believe the lie that God can’t still redeem your situation. Your decision-making doesn’t thwart God’s sovereignty. He’s still in control. He still loves you. And He is still good. Trust me on that.