Be Available For Those You Love

Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. - Philippians 2:4

I remember one day last December when I was having the worst day. I was overwhelmed. I was tired. I was worried. I was annoyed. I was feeling all the negative emotions at once.

About halfway through the day, it all got to be a little too much for me. To put it bluntly, I was a wreck. And so I texted my best friend Melanie and said, “Hey I know this is probably horrible timing…but is there any way I could call you?”

It didn’t take her long to respond, and when she did, her words were, “Absolutely! TJ (her son) is eating lunch but I can listen so just call me whenever!”

I knew this time of day was the busiest for Mel. At the time she had an 18-month-old son. She worked from home. She was in the middle of packing up her house to move across state lines a couple of weeks later. And she was pregnant with her second kid. The girl had a lot going on. And yet, in the middle of it all, she paused, and she made herself available when I needed her.

I get that we’re all busy. I understand that we all have a lot going on and plenty of tasks to fill our time with. But may we not forget in the middle of it all to still be available to those we love. This time next year, I’m not going to remember every task that was on my to-do list. I’m not going to remember all of the things that were begging for my attention. But what I will remember are the conversations I had and the time I spent with the people closest to me. I will remember how the Lord used these people to love on me and encourage me, and I’ll hopefully remember how He used me to do the same for others.

So whatever is demanding your attention right now, I hope you’ll remember Melanie’s example if someone you love turns to you in a time of need. Whether they just need a five-minute phone call or a two-hour coffee date, I pray you’ll make yourself available for those who really matter to you, and that God will use you to love on, encourage, comfort, and minister to those whom you love.