Gaining A New Perspective

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. - Ecclesiastes 3:1

When I moved out of my parents’ house and into an apartment in a neighboring county, one of my regular pastimes became taking scenic drives. There was a lake not too far from where I lived, so I mapped out a path that would allow me to cross over the lake several times so I could see the water. Those views of the lake quickly became some of my very favorites, especially when I would drive over Browns Bridge (which is technically a green bridge, but it’s beautiful nonetheless).

However, the more I would go on these drives, and the more times I would cross over that bridge, the more accustomed I became to the view, not being as impressed or in awe as I was the first time I saw it.

Then a couple of years ago, I traveled under the bridge for the first time on a friend’s boat. And with this totally different perspective, I was reminded of the beauty of this spot in my town. I saw the bridge, the water, the multicolored trees, and even the sky in a completely different light, and it made me appreciate the view all over again.

Oftentimes when we’re in a season of life that seems to go on for a while, we tend to lose sight of the beautiful parts of that season. Instead, we get bogged down and discouraged because this time doesn’t feel as special and exciting as it used to.

So what would it take for you to look at this season you’re in right now from a different angle? How can you get a fresh perspective on whatever it is you’re going through? Because there are beautiful parts to ever single season we walk through. Remember, some seasons are for harvesting, and some seasons are for planting, but both are necessary.

Whatever season you find yourself in today, whatever has become mundane and unimpressive to you about your current stage of life, ask the Lord to help you look at things from a different viewpoint. Travel under the bridge instead of over it. You’d be amazed at what a little change in perspective can do.