Trusting God In the Unknown

“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received…There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” – Ephesians 4:1,4-6 (NIV)

Trusting God in the unknown can be one of the hardest parts about being a follower of Jesus. For some reason, even though we know we serve an all-knowing, all-powerful God, we find it difficult to trust Him when life doesn’t seem to be going the way we thought it would. We walk into a difficult or unforeseen season, and we immediately start questioning our Heavenly Father instead of choosing to trust Him. 

If you are a follower of Christ, there was a point in your life when you made the decision to surrender your life to God and trust Him with your eternity. You believed wholeheartedly that by making this decision to follow Him and asking Him to be your Lord and Savior, you would be spending eternity with Him in heaven. So, if you were so easily able to trust God with your eternity, why is it so difficult for you to trust Him with what you’re going through right now?

When we choose not to trust God with our lives and instead try to take matters into our own hands, we are attempting to be our own god.  But as Jesus-followers, we are called to turn everything over to Him, not to try to handle things by ourselves. Being a Christian is about complete surrender, not partial surrender, and complete surrender cannot happen without trust. 

Are you fully trusting God with your life right now, or are there things you’re trying to handle on your own? Is He Lord of all, or Lord of just a little bit? Remember, if God can be trusted with your eternity, then He can be trusted with your present circumstances as well. My prayer for you today is that you would stop trying to help God do His job, and fully surrender and trust in Him.