Posts tagged fulfillment
What Do You Think Will Fulfill You?

With Super Bowl Sunday being just around the corner, I got to thinking about a story I heard a while back. I came across this story while I was scrolling through my phone one Sunday evening while my husband and I were watching an NFL game. My husband’s best friend had posted about a conversation he’d had a couple of years earlier with a former NFL player who had won a Super Bowl title.

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What To Do When You’re Feeling Drained

Over the past two years of serving in youth ministry with my husband, I’ve had some very random tasks and responsibilities to handle. I’ve walked all through Walmart looking for specific colored pool noodles. I’ve blown up inflatable astronauts and aliens. I’ve walked out of Kroger with 32 cans of whipped cream. And I’ve filled squirt bottles with powdered paint. It’s the furthest thing from boring to be married to a youth pastor.

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Filled Up

If we think we can be satisfied by a relationship, a job, a savings account, a car, a wardrobe, a house, or a social media following, we are going to realize rather quickly that those things will always leave us wanting more. We’re never going to be completely fulfilled by anything or anyone else outside of the Lord. For it is the Creator, not the creation, that allows us to feel whole and content.

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