Filled Up

The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. - Isaiah 58:11

I once heard a story of a guy whose car was running out of gas. When the low-fuel light came on, he pulled into the nearest gas station and went to fill up his tank so he could continue on his trip. 

Unfortunately, the driver wasn’t paying very close attention as he was getting ready to pump gas into his car, because instead of using the pump designated for unleaded gasoline, he used the pump for diesel fuel. He didn’t realize he’d made a mistake until he his car broke down a few miles down the road.

You see, if you put diesel fuel in an engine that runs on gasoline, the engine cannot combust the diesel fuel, therefore causing the engine to shut down and the car to stop running correctly. And not only does your car break down, leaving you waiting for a tow truck, but you could end up with anywhere from $500-$1000 in repair costs to get your vehicle up and running again.

Just like cars with gasoline engines need gas to operate correctly, we as followers of Jesus need to make sure we are filled up with the right “fuel” if we want to experience true fulfillment and satisfaction. 

For instance, if we think we can be satisfied by a relationship, a job, a savings account, a car, a wardrobe, a house, or a social media following, we are going to realize rather quickly that those things will always leave us wanting more. We’re never going to be completely fulfilled by anything or anyone else outside of the Lord. For it is the Creator, not the creation, that allows us to feel whole and content. 

Is there something you’ve been trying to gain satisfaction from outside of your relationship with Christ? Do you constantly find yourself thinking that if you can just get your diploma, find a spouse, have a kid, or buy a house, then you’ll be satisfied? If so, I would encourage you to take the time right now to pray and ask the Lord to help you find true contentment in Him. Acknowledge any idols you’ve been seeking fulfillment from, and ask Him to give you the perspective and the wisdom you need to remember that He alone can satisfy every single one of your needs.