10 Verses When You're Dealing With Conflict

I absolutely hate conflict and confrontation. I used to run from it at all costs growing up. Anytime an argument would start or a heated conversation would emerge, I would do everything in my power to retreat or remove myself from the situation. I just wanted peace. I wanted everyone to be happy - with me, with each other, with the current circumstances - and I didn’t handle it well when people seemed less than happy and at peace.

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10 Verses When You're Feeling Lonely

I think we can all agree that loneliness is one of the worst feelings ever. Feeling isolated and alone under any set of circumstances isn’t easy. But it’s especially difficult when you’re walking through a tough season or you’re in the middle of a big transition. Oftentimes when we’re struggling with loneliness, we reach out to other people to fill the void we’re feeling. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing to do, this shouldn’t be the first step we take.

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Can People Tell That You Know Jesus?

After I placed my order for an iced coffee and an everything bagel, I took a seat at a table by the front window. As I pulled out my computer and started writing out my to-do list for the day, one of the coffee shop’s regulars, an elderly lady named Janet made her way to the front door to leave. As she got closer to the exit, she pulled up her hood on her coat, getting ready to face the pouring rain outside. But before she could walk out the door, a man with an umbrella walked up behind her and asked if he could walk her to her car.

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What Do You Think Will Fulfill You?

With Super Bowl Sunday being just around the corner, I got to thinking about a story I heard a while back. I came across this story while I was scrolling through my phone one Sunday evening while my husband and I were watching an NFL game. My husband’s best friend had posted about a conversation he’d had a couple of years earlier with a former NFL player who had won a Super Bowl title.

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Trusting God Again

When the psalmist who wrote Psalm 126 said, “The Lord has done great things for us,” he was encouraging the Israelites to remember all the things the Lord had done for them in the past. He delivered them from Egypt. He brought them across the Red Sea. He led them across the Jordan River. He helped them bring down the walls of Jericho, and He gave them the Promised Land.

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Walking Through Disappointment

This past weekend, we were supposed to get up to three inches of snow. As a lover of snow and cold weather (and as someone who grew up in Georgia where snow rarely happened), I could barely contain my excitement. The snow was supposed to fall in the early Saturday morning hours, so I was fully expecting to wake up, look out our bedroom window, and see our backyard covered in a powdery white blanket.

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