How Can The Bible Help You?

We have access to the most helpful tool we could ever have in this life. God’s Word has a lot to offer us when we need guidance and direction. The Bible has so much to say about relationships, finances, conflict management, work, anxiety, trust, forgiveness, purpose, identity, and so many other things. It’s the best place to go when you need advice on how to live the life God has marked out for you. So if you have access to that, why wouldn’t you use it?

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Be Careful What You Consume

Well hello friend! It’s good to be back! If you are a regular reader of these devotions, you probably noticed that I didn’t post any new content on Thursday or Friday of last week. What started out with some technical difficulties and ended with a round of food poisoning, the end of my week last week did not got at all as planned, hence the gap in my content creation schedule. But I do appreciate you showing up and reading once again even when I fail to be as consistent as I want to be. I’m super grateful for the extra grace!

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Why You Need Christian Friends

My friend Johnna sent me a text this morning, and at the bottom of the message, she wrote, “Thanks for doing life with me, friend. The good, the bad, the hard, the fun, all of it.” It was such a simple statement, but it was also a beautiful summation of what it’s like to live in Christian community. It’s not always pretty and it’s not always easy, but boy is it all worth it.

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