Do You Want God's Presence More Than His Promises?

God had been promising this land to the Israelites for generations. People died on the journey to The Promised Land. They spent their entire lives hoping for the day they would get to experience the promises of God coming to fruition. And yet here was Moses saying, “God if you’re not going with us, then there’s no point in us going either.”

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A Beginner’s Guide To Prayer

After working and/or serving in ministry for the last several years, there’s one particular topic that so many people seem to struggle with in their walk with God, and that is prayer. Some people have trouble knowing how to pray or what to say. Some feel insecure about praying out loud. Some people struggle with only praying when they need something from God, rather than having a consistent, open dialogue with Him. And others are hesitant to pray because they aren’t sure if it will really make a difference or if God is even listening.

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Moments of Asking and Moments of Answering

I got married at the age of 29, which was exactly seven years later than I had anticipated…that is, according to the life plan I meticulously wrote out when I was a junior in high school. I knew from the time I was a little girl that I always wanted to be married. There was no question about it. So I figured that after high school, I would go off to college, meet the man of my dreams, and I’d become an official member of the “Ring by Spring” club, getting married right after graduation. But that was not my story.

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God's Got Your Back

This past week in our small group, I opened up about something I was worried about and how I was struggling to trust God with the unknown. (Anyone else have trouble with this?) After I finished sharing, my friend Destiny prayed over me. And as she prayed, she said something that I immediately wrote down in a note on my phone once we said amen.

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Letting Go Of Control

When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to do was to sit in my dad’s lap and drive our car up the driveway. Anytime we would get a minute or two out from arriving home, I would perk up and ask, “Dad, can I drive?” And so many times, my sweet dad would say yes, put the car in park at the end of the driveway, and let me take the wheel.

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Believing The Best Of People

Last year during one of the varsity girls’ basketball games I coached, I remember noticing the referees walk in while my team was warming up. Amidst the three guys who were going to be officiating was my favorite referee. Yes, I had favorites. I promise I was still nice to the other referees, but I definitely had refs I preferred, and so when this guy walked into the gym that night, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing we should have good officiating for the game.

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When You're Second-Guessing Your God-Given Potential

God sees our potential. He knows what we’ve been through up until this point. He’s prepared us in ways we probably didn’t even realize or understand at the time. He’s walked with us every step of the way, leading us to what’s in front of us right now. And He has full confidence in knowing He’s prepared us to pursue His will for us, even when we lack confidence in ourselves.

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