God's Got Your Back

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. – Lamentations 3:22-23

Every Tuesday night, my husband and I drive to our friend’s apartment nearby and meet together with 12 other people from our church for what we call “life group.” Each week, we spend time diving into God’s Word, talking about Sunday’s sermon, and sharing what God’s been teaching us.  

For the second half of the night, we split by gender to go a little deeper in our conversations as we confess sin, ask for prayer and encouragement, and pray over each other.  

Our group has 14 people total, but only five of us are women, so we always have plenty of time to talk and pray. This time is usually my favorite part of Tuesday nights.

This past Tuesday, it was my turn to share, and I opened up about something I was worried about and how I was struggling to trust God with the unknown. (Anyone else have trouble with this?)

After I finished sharing, my friend Destiny prayed over me. And as she prayed, she said something that I immediately wrote down in a note on my phone once we said amen.

When she was praying for my worry and uncertainty about the future, she said, “God, even if things don’t go the way Kristen would like for them to go or the way she planned for them to go, you’ll have her back…because you’ve always had her back. And that will never change.”

Tears filled my eyes when she prayed those words because she was so right. And I needed that reminder so badly that night.

God has always had my back. Even when life didn’t turn out the way I thought it would, even when my plans didn’t pan out, even when I’ve had my heart broken or my hopes shattered, He’s always been there. He’s always taken care of me. He’s always pulled me through.

He’s always had my back…and He always will.

The same is true for you, friend. I know it might be tempting to think you’re on your own when life is falling apart or failing to meet your expectations. But you’re never alone. You never have to figure this stuff out all by yourself. If you’re a child of God, He’s always there with you.

He’s there to carry your burdens. He’s there to comfort you when you cry. He’s there to listen to your angry prayers. And He’s there to offer empathy, support, and guidance when you don’t know what to do next.

He’s got your back. He always has, and He always will.