Hearing From The Holy Spirit

When you open God’s Word and begin searching for insight and direction, you will sense the Holy Spirit giving you understanding and discernment of Scripture. God will speak to you through His Word in order to show you what you should or shouldn’t do. And as you’re reading, you will sense the tug, the affirmation, the confirmation, or sometimes even the conviction from the Holy Spirit who is at work through the Word and in your heart.

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Remember What's Really Important

I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days about the things that take up the most space in my mind. I’ve been asking myself questions like: What can I not stop worrying about? What lies am I believing about myself? What distractions am I struggling with? As I’ve been processing my answers to these questions, I’ve realized that a lot of the answers don’t carry very much eternal significance. In other words, my mind is flooded with worries and lies and distractions concerning things that are temporary and all together not that important when it comes to the grand scheme of things. Let me give you some examples.

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Are You Trying To Earn God's Love?

God so clearly reminded me of on that hot afternoon in Jerusalem is that there’s absolutely nothing more I can do to prove that I was worth all of the horrible things Jesus went through. I can do everything right for the rest of my life, or I can make every mistake in the book, and He will love me no more and no less. This is not a merit based relationship. This is a relationship that God wanted so badly that He was willing to sacrifice what He loved most to get it. And I’m so grateful that He did.

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10 Verses For When You're Feeling Hopeless

My word for the year 2020 was “hope.” The Lord usually gives me my word for the upcoming year in the fall and that year was no different. In the middle of October of 2019, I had begun to see a pattern. The word “hope” was popping up everywhere. And I’ve learned that when God repeats Himself like that, I need to pay attention.

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10 Verses For When You're Waiting For Clarity

One of my least favorite feelings on the planet is feeling like I’m in limbo, like I don’t know what to do next and I don't have enough information to make a decision. Being the planner that I am, I want to have all of the information I can possibly have, and I want to make a decision from a place of total clarity. But what I’ve learned over my years of walking with Jesus is that clarity doesn’t usually come quickly. It’s something you have to wait for, look for, and, most importantly, pray for.

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10 Verses For When You Need God To Provide For You

The thing about being a human is that we aren’t as self-sufficient as we like to believe. We can’t always make everything happen the way we want it to happen. We can’t always make sure we’re fulfilled and provided for in our own power and our own strength. BUT…the good news about being a follower of Jesus is that we have a God who loves to provide for us. We serve a God who can meet all of our needs and can always come through. And we have a God we can depend on no matter what we’re walking through and what challenges or deficiencies we’re facing.

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10 Verses For When It Feels Like God Is On His Lunch Break

A while back, I was talking with one of my friends about prayer, and she said something that really struck a chord. She said, “Kristen, I just feel like my prayers aren’t getting anywhere. It’s like I’m trying to talk to God, but it feels like He’s on His lunch break and He’s not hearing me.”

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