Posts tagged clarity
10 Verses For When You're Waiting For Clarity

One of my least favorite feelings on the planet is feeling like I’m in limbo, like I don’t know what to do next and I don't have enough information to make a decision. Being the planner that I am, I want to have all of the information I can possibly have, and I want to make a decision from a place of total clarity. But what I’ve learned over my years of walking with Jesus is that clarity doesn’t usually come quickly. It’s something you have to wait for, look for, and, most importantly, pray for.

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You Can't Rush Clarity

I’m sure there are a lot of things you want right now. Part of being human is that we’re never without want. But if you asked me to guess what it is that you’re wanting, the first thing I would say is clarity. You want to know exactly what school to go. You want to be clear on what career path you should pursue. You want to know for sure that this is the guy you should be dating. And you want to know that as you’re being faced with this big decision, whatever it may be, you’re going to have clarity so you can make the right choice.

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You Can't Rush Clarity

I’m sure there are a lot of things you want right now. Part of being human is that we’re never without want. But if you asked me to guess what it is that you’re wanting, the first thing I would say is clarity. You want to know exactly what school to go. You want to be clear on what career path you should pursue. You want to know for sure that this is the guy you should be dating. And you want to know that as you’re being faced with this big decision, whatever it may be, you’re going to have clarity so you can make the right choice.

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