When Your Hope Is Deferred

Do you ever get tired of hoping for something to happen or get impatient when you’re waiting for a prayer to be answered? Yeah, me too. Our key verse for today hits the nail on the head saying, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like your heart can stay sick for a really long time while that tree of life you’re waiting for doesn’t even seem to have sprouted yet.

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Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Empathy

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Instagram, I came across a post by one of my favorite influencers where she shared that she had miscarried over the weekend. A few minutes later, I watched her Instagram stories where she shared more about what had happened. While this story was absolutely heartbreaking, there was one detail that made my heart sink with sadness and disappointment.

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Where To Find Encouragement

Scripture tells us that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalm 119:105). His Word shows us where we’re standing and where we need to go. It tells you clearly if you’re headed in the right direction or if you’re wandering down a dark and dangerous path. It gives you wisdom. It gives you discernment. And it gives you hope like nothing and no one else can.

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When Everything Is Changing

About a year and a half ago, I felt like my world was being absolutely rocked. It seemed like everything was changing at once. Kevin and I were about to get married. We adopted a 10-week-old puppy. Kevin took a job at church in Northern Kentucky, which meant I’d be leaving Georgia, where I’d spent my entire life. I moved from my parents’ house to Kevin’s apartment to an apartment in Kentucky to a house in Kentucky all in the span of three months. It felt like nothing about my life was going to stay the same.

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