Where To Find Encouragement

Scripture tells us that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and light to our path (Psalm 119:105). His Word shows us where we’re standing and where we need to go. It tells you clearly if you’re headed in the right direction or if you’re wandering down a dark and dangerous path. It gives you wisdom. It gives you discernment. And it gives you hope like nothing and no one else can.

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Joy Over Worry

Everyone has something they’re worried about. We’re all wrestling with anxious thoughts and feelings, like a low-grade fever in our hearts and minds that we can’t seem to shake. We’re worried about our relationships, our school work, our jobs, our health, our finances, and many other things. But as followers of Jesus, it is so important that we do not approach worry the same way the world does.

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Be Available For Those You Love

About halfway through the day, it all got to be a little too much for me. I was sad, angry, overwhelmed - basically I was a wreck. And so I texted my best friend Melanie and said, “Hey I know this is probably horrible timing, but is there any way I could call you?” It didn’t take her long to respond, and when she did, her words were, “Absolutely! TJ (her son) is eating lunch but I can listen so just call me whenever!”

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Fewer Regrets

Part of being a human is facing temptation. But it is possible for us to have victory over our temptations with the help of the Holy Spirit, because being filled with the Holy Spirit is the first step in preparing for the temptations that will come our way. We must also realize that a major part of refusing temptation is saying “No!”

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