Remembering God's Faithfulness

One of the toughest parts of navigating the unexpected is dealing with so much uncertainty. When life doesn’t go according to plan, we feel like we’re walking down a dark staircase, and we’re not sure where it’s leading us. And when we find ourselves in these uncertain times, it can be extremely tempting to begin to doubt God.

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10 Verses For When You're Craving Rest

Finding rest this time of year feels about as easy as finding a pumpkin in Hobby Lobby. We’re covered up in stress, busyness, and mile-long to-do lists, just like the shelves of my favorite decor store are covered with garland, ribbon, ornaments, and Christmas lights. And honestly, it feels like we’ve just come to accept that stress is as much a part of this season as the Christmas trees.

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What Is God Teaching You Right Now?

We only had five people in attendance at my small group last night. And while there’s definitely some truth behind the old statement of “the more the merrier,” I also love conversation between a small group (no pun intended) of people at a gathering. So when I realized it was just going to be the five of us last night, I was excited and expectant for what the night was going to hold.

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10 Verses For When You're Feeling Discontent

It’s that time of year where talk of gratitude is everywhere. We are told to count our blessings, to think about all of the things we have to be thankful for. And while I 100% believe we all have things for which to give thanks, I also know that we’re all battling feelings of discontentment in at least one area of our lives.

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