Prayers Becoming Praises

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. – Proverbs 13:12

I shared a quote on my Instagram stories yesterday that said, “You are currently living at least one of the prayers you used to pray.” It was a statement that hit me like a ton of bricks because it is absolutely true for me, as I’m sure it is true for you. 

In my case, I’ve watched God answer a prayer this year that I’ve been praying for over a decade. But I’m going to be honest with you, believing God was going to come through on this prayer wasn’t always easy. There were a lot of seasons full of doubt and insecurity and worry. There were seasons of watching God answer this prayer for other people while He had yet to answer it for me. And of course, there was a whole lot of waiting…and waiting…and more waiting. 

But then reading that quote yesterday and thinking about how my prayer had finally been answered, how what I had thought about, imagined, and hoped for for so long was finally part of my reality, it brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t help but smile and be filled with joy and excitement to finally be seeing the fruit after so many years of planting and watering and sowing and waiting. 

It’s in seasons like these, in moments like these, that I’m reminded how I need to be as diligent in thanking God for answering my prayers as I am in offering up my prayers. So often it seems like we spend so much time asking God for things, begging Him to come through, pleading that He would answer us and fulfill our desires. But then once He does, we say thanks once or twice and move on to the next thing we want. 

I know I’m guilty of this. But I don’t want to continue to be guilty of it. I want to practice gratitude more frequently. I want to shower God with praise like He deserves to be. I want to prioritize thankfulness to God as much as I prioritize presenting my requests to God. And friend, I want the same for you.

I’m sure, like the quote said, that there’s at least one part of your life that you’re living right now that used to be a prayer. It used to be an unfulfilled desire of your heart. It used to be something you talked to God about with tears in your eyes and on your pillowcase. But now, it’s reality. It’s standing right in front of you. And isn’t that something worth thanking Him for over and over again?

So whatever that thing is for you – a job, a home, a relationship, healing, restoration, provision, forgiveness – I hope that you’ll be diligent from here on out in thanking God for it. Don’t just gloss over the joy that comes from seeing God come through for you. Instead, thank Him for the prayers that have become praises.