Are You Submitting To God's Will?

If there was ever an example of complete submission to God’s will, it’s the story of Mary that we read about in the gospel of Luke. Here was Mary, a teenager, engaged to be married, ready to start a new and exciting chapter in her life when an angel shows up and tells her she is going to be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Talk about an interruption.

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Learn To Be Still

Finding peace and quiet in the midst of our crazy and sometimes chaotic lives can seem nearly impossible. Between school, work, church, family, friends, hobbies, and errands, it’s difficult to make time for a full eight hours of sleep, much less make time to be still while you’re awake. We tend to think that if we’re not moving or doing something, we’re not being productive. But friend, that’s just not true. Choosing to be quiet and still in the presence of our Heavenly Father is one of the best things we can do when it comes to our walk with Him.

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Refuse To Settle

When we see waiting pay off in the little things, it becomes easier to wait for the bigger things. Now every time I find myself in the midst of waiting, I think about how much more driving my Mustang means to me now because of how long I had to wait for it. And I think about what I would have missed out on if I had settled 10 years ago. I know settling might seem like a good idea when you’re tired of waiting, but it’s never worth it. Don’t put up with the good just because you don’t want to wait for the great.

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There's More To Life Than Beauty

Before I got married, I often thought about the kind of wife I wanted to be. I thought about what I wanted my life to look like once I had a husband and kids and dogs and a house - a whole family of my own. And I still think about those things now. I have a husband. I have a dog. I have a house. (No kids yet, but hopefully that’s something we’ll get to experience down the road.) And it’s fine to think about these things and get excited for what it is in store for my current and future seasons.

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Ask Another Question

I’m a big fan of asking questions. I think they’re a great way to get to know people, but I also think they’re great tools to engage in deep conversation with people you already know. And I love me some deep conversations. But what I’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that asking one question isn’t enough. Usually, in my experience, it’s the second, third, and fourth questions that really allow you to dive in deep with someone. The follow-up questions are the ones that help you learn more about a person and discover what’s really going on in their mind and heart.

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Trusting God When It Isn't Easy

We’ve all had this feeling in some way, shape or form. We believe God has given us something or called us to something, and then all of a sudden that gift, that dream, that person is taken away from us. It’s a confusing place to be, but you don’t have to stay confused. Our God is a God you can be confident in, a God you can trust wholeheartedly. Even if your life seems to be spiraling out of control, He is still in complete control. Nothing that happens to you ever catches Him by surprise.

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Remember Where Your Joy Comes From

I pulled my car out of the driveway and drove down the main street in our neighborhood towards the highway. About the time I was halfway out of the neighborhood, I passed a garbage truck. Wednesday is trash day here, and I had already seen this garbage truck stop by our house earlier that day. My first thought as I saw the garbage man throwing someone’s trash into the back of the truck was, “Gosh, what an awful day to be a garbage man. It’s cold. It’s wet. It’s raining. I would not want to be doing his job right about now.”

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