Don’t Give Up On Your Prayers

While I was reading my devotional this morning, there was a particular paragraph that stuck out to me. The writer said, “I believe that many times people give up praying because they want instantaneous success and immediate answers. They start the process but don’t see it all the way through. But when you’re persistent to pray for what’s on your heart, know that God hears you and is constantly working behind the scenes to help—so don’t give up!”

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How To Start Reading Your Bible

While this gift of God’s Word is nothing short of amazing, I also realize the Bible can seem pretty intimidating. It’s a big book. There’s a lot going on within its pages, and there are a whole bunch of names that are practically impossible to pronounce. Because of all that, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to reading and studying your Bible. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t read it all.

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A Case Of The Mondays

My opinion on Mondays changes from week to week. Some weeks, I really like Mondays. They’re a fresh start to a new week. They’re a chance to get organized and plan for all the tasks and events the next seven days hold. They’re a good excuse to have a second iced coffee without any self-judgment. Those kinds of Mondays are great. But sometimes, Mondays aren’t so great. Sometimes they’re overwhelming. Sometimes they come with mile long to-do lists, piled-up laundry, an empty fridge, and a jam-packed calendar staring you in the face, making you wonder how you’re going to have time to get everything taken care of.

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